Sunday, October 08, 2006

A libertarian Iraqi comic?

It's the most popular show in Iraq right now, and it will only last during Ramadan. It's called "Hurry Up, He's Dead," and it's a one-man show that spoofs the news a-la Jon Stewart's "The Daily Show".

I suggest that the star of the show, Talib al-Sudani, is libertarian at heart because of this quote from the article in The Seattle Times:
"I don't support this government. I don't support any government," he said.

The "newsman's" name is Saaeed and he's got a knack for topical humor:
In the next day's episode, Saaed joyfully announces that the Americans are finally leaving Iraq. Referring to the U.S. secretary of defense, Saaed, sitting behind his news desk, says: "Rums bin Feld said the American forces are leaving on 1-1," referring to Jan. 1.

He's giddy, raising his arms in the air. Then he realizes he's made a mistake. The soldiers are leaving one by one, not on 1-1. He computes in his head what leaving one by one means and announces that the soldiers will be gone in 694 years. He starts to cry; Iraqis watching the show howl.

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